Theater Rental
The Greek Cultural Center has a theater available for short term rentals, when available. The space is suitable for classes, auditions, seminars, lectures, group meetings, movie screenings, photo shoots, rehearsals and performances.
Space can be booked by phone or in person. First-time renters are required to sign a rental agreement policy before using the space. Download form here.
Download the floor plan here!
Contact Information
For more information or to book space, please email info@greekculturalcenter.org
Rehearsals $45 / hour (2 hr. minimum)
Tech Rehearsals $55 / hour
Performances / Events $50 / hour
Daily Rental: $450

The Greek Cultural Center has a multipurpose room available for rental. The space is especially suitable for small group dancing, workshops, auditions, group meetings, rehearsals and performances.
Space can be booked by phone or in person. First-time renters are required to sign a rental agreement policy before using the space. Download form here.
Download the floor plan here!
Contact Information
For more information or to book space, please email info@greekculturalcenter.org
Multipurpose Room: $35 / hour (2 hr. minimum)
10-hr Rental: $300